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Version: 1.5.0

transpile-with-ast expression


ligo transpile-with-ast expression SYNTAX _EXPRESSION SYNTAX


[BETA] This sub-command transpiles a LIGO expression to another syntax. Comments are currently not transpiled. Please use at your own risk.


--display-format FORMAT the format that will be used by the CLI. Available formats are 'dev', 'json', and 'human-readable' (default). When human-readable lacks details (we are still tweaking it), please contact us and use another format in the meanwhile. (alias: --format)

--library LIBS A comma-separated list of paths to directories where to search for files to be included by the preprocessor (alias: -l)

--no-color disable coloring in CLI output

--skip-analytics Avoid ligo analytics publication. Configurable with environment variable LIGO_SKIP_ANALYTICS too

-help print this help text and exit (alias: -?)